Moor House Farm Testimonial on H&L Calf Expert

Moor House Farm Testimonial on H&L Calf Expert

in General June 28, 2023

The Watsons at Moor House Farm, Cumbria, installed the Calf Expert three hygiene stations in 2019 and have been delighted with the results.

The herd comprises of 180 head, 150 Holsteins and 30 Jerseys, with both breeds coping well on the calf machines. Beef calves are also reared until weaning and sold at four months old.

“It was a big change at the time, our calf numbers had been increasing and we didn’t have the facilities to accommodate them, which meant carrying a lot of buckets across the farm,” explained Karen. “We built a new shed for calves and installed the Holm & Laue automatic calf machines, it has been noticeable that the growth of calves has improved on the machines. They get more milk intake through several feeds rather than being fed twice in buckets.”


Karen also added that it is a less labour intensive system now, and the calves are more content. Any shouting from the calves is a sign that there is a problem.

“We run a high input, high output system and rely on heifers calves getting a good start to result in high production in later life,” added Karen.

A fourth hygiene station was purchased to allow pens to get cleaned and rest between groups.
Currently calves are reared individually until 14 days old, to with most only needing shown the machine once, while some find their own way.

“I wouldn’t want to be without the machines,” said Karen. “The calves are doing really well and are so content, it takes a lot of the labour out of rearing for me too.”