Milk Taxi

Holms & Laue

Milk Taxi

Innovative New Approaches to Bucket Feeding
The MilkTaxi has revolutionised bucket feeding for calves. Whether individually in calf igloos or in groups in the calf barn, the MilkTaxi feeds your calves wherever they are. They can reliably mix milk replacer powder and gently heat or pasteurise whole milk.

At long last, there is no need to lug heavy buckets around. The manoeuvrable undercarriage will take care of transport to the calf pens for you. However, MilkTaxi doesn't just make your work easier. It makes feeding more accurate because you always feed your calves the right amount at the right temperature.

The MilkTaxi has gained more and more new functions over the course of time. For example, you can now even store feeding curves (Smart-ID) that are used to slowly and gently wean the calves. The connection to the CalfGuide management system gives you absolute control over the work processes in the calf barn and allows detailed documentation of the preparation and feeding of the calf milk.
And by the way, feeding with the MilkTaxi is a lot of fun.

Easy Preparation
Many of the Milk Taxi’s benefits are not immediately noticeable: The fact that the milk powder is thoroughly stirred in seconds without any clumping or that whole milk is gently heated to make sure it doesn’t burn, surprises everyone who sees the Milk Taxi for the first time.

Powerful Floor-mounted Agitator
The 250-watt agitator thoroughly stirs any milk replacer in seconds, without any clumping. The agitator also supports the heating process by using short mixing intervals. IMPORTANT: These intervals are adjusted to the amount of milk. Since the agitator is mounted to the base, maximum operational safety is ensured and nothing gets in the way of cleaning the tank.

Gentle Heating
The Milk Taxi operates with a full-surface heating system. Unlike coil heaters, there are no "hotspots" where the milk can burn. The milk is thus quickly heated and the quality is preserved. The display keeps you continuously informed about the current temperature of the milk feed.

Time Control
Many functions, such as the heating and pasteurizing processes, can be programmed with the interval timer. Moreover, the intelligent cooling program only cools when the temperature of the liquid in the tank is too high, and then stops the cooling process in advance before the heating starts, in order to save energy costs.

Smart Mix
Many mistakes can be made during the preparation. Now, that is a thing of the past, because the new Milk Taxi now guides you step-by-step to the perfect mixture.

Mixing Calculator for Milk Replacers (CMR)
From now on, you only need to set the desired milk replacer concentration (percentage of dry matter content) and your scoop size one time. Then fill the Milktaxi up to the desired feeding quantity. The Smart-Mix adds the right amount of MR and tells you the required number of scoops for the CMR. Even the solubility of the CMR is taken into account, e.g. 20 kg of CMR dissolved in 100 l of water yield less than 120 l of milk (114 l). The Milk Taxi 4.0 automatically corrects this error.

Exact Filling Level Indication
The Milk Taxi automatically detects how much milk or water has already been filled into the tank and continuously shows the current fill level in the display.

Corrected dosage
If the tank of the Milchtaxis is filled with different levels, there will be slight deviations in the dosage quantities when pumping. The level sensor installed with the option Smart-Mix corrects this error automatically. This means that the dosage volume is always accurate, regardless of whether the tank is full or nearly empty.

Time switch with end times
Without Smart Mix you have to set the start times for heating and pasteurizing. Since Smart-Mix can calculate the duration of the heating and pasteurizing phases, you can now conveniently enter the desired feeding time. The Milktaxi then begins the heating program in good time.

Fortifying Whole Milk with Milk Replacer
And if you want to mix whole milk and milk replacer (CMR) together? What if your milk has a dry matter content percentage of 11.3%, but you need a total mixture of 13.5% dry matter content? Then the SmartMIX detects how much whole milk has been poured in and determines how much water and MR has to be added to obtain the required amount of milk in the desired concentration.

Better and Easier Feeding
The stored feeding quantities, the remote control with its up to 10m long hose, and the no-drip dosing device make the feeding process ultra easy.

Easy Dispensing
With 9 freely programmable dosing quantities, you can dispense almost any amount of food – without any annoying dripping. Furthermore, the handle is ergonomic and comfortably lightweight. Thanks to the integrated battery, you do not need a power supply to feed the calves. Therefore, particularly if individual calf hutches are used, you are completely free to select any feeding location, and can also feed calves in various areas.

Remote Control Operation
With the remote control on the dosing arm, you can easily and conveniently feed calves up to 10 m away from the Milk Taxi, without needing any cables. Of course, the quantities can also be individually adjusted on the dispensing arm.

Statistics Function
In the Milk Taxi’s display menu, you can monitor the most important work steps using a special statistics function. Every pasteurization cycle, every feeding and every cleaning is documented. A calendar feature also displays this information in a weekly format, thus allowing you to optimally monitor the workflows and processes on your farm.

Smart ID
When feeding the calves, you constantly have ask the question: How old is the calf and how much milk does it get? Say goodbye to this task, because the Milk Taxi recognizes every pen, the age of the calf and individually calculates the required feeding quantity!

Radio Frequency Identification of the Calf Pens
The Milk Taxi uses radio frequency identification to detect each pen as it passes by, and the pen number, number of calves and feeding quantity are indicated in the display. The employee now only has to press the release button and dispense the milk into the bucket. Of course, you can also adjust the quantities individually via the display at any time. Particularly for those farms that have to feed a lot of calves, this function guarantees absolute safety, since every employee always knows how much to feed: a tremendous improvement in working quality, especially when workers alternate or there is employee turnover.

Six Integrated Feeding Curves
Each calf is assigned a feeding curve with feeding and weaning amounts, similar to automatic feeders. Up to 6 individually adjustable feed curves are available. This means that the calves can always get exactly the amount they need for their age, even in individual and group hutches with bucket feeding.

Intelligent Pen Management
Smart ID works for both individual and group pens. In the case of groups of calves, it displays how many calves are in the group and whether they are fed in individual buckets or via "teat bars". In this case as well, the groups of calves can be slowly and gradually weaned according to the curve.

Easy Transportation
The easy and convenient transportation of the milk has been THE decisive contribution to making our customers’ work easier for more than 10 years now.

Sturdy 4-wheel Chassis
Set on 4 wheels with a low centre of gravity, the Milk Taxi is extremely sturdy and stable. Even if it is driven fast, or on uneven ground and with a full load, it does not tilt over. With the 40 cm front wheels and high ground clearance, unevenness or small obstacles are not an obstacle. Alternatively, the Model 260 l is also available as a trailer with one axle.

EL-AN Drive
On all models, the electric drive lets you move forward and in reverse in two adjustable speeds. This not only makes feeding the calves fun, but also puts less strain on your back.

Dark outside? No Problem
You can always see where you are going thanks to the integrated LED headlight – which means you can even feed calves in more remote barns in the evenings.

Bucket Transport and Colostrum Jar
An especially practical feature: The tiltable frame, on which you can transport up to two milk churns. But other things can also be transported just as easily, such as dry feed or tools. The 8-litre colostrum jar is also very practical. When placed into the larger churn filled with warm water, the milk remains at the optimal temperature before it is fed to the calves.

Mastitis bacteria also play an important role in disease and illness in the calf stable. Pasteurisation eliminates up to 99.5% of those bacteria and is already a standard part of the calf feeding process on many farms.

In the “batch pasteurisation process”, 99.5 % of harmful pathogens are killed over 35 minutes at 63° C. As an alternative to this programme, the Milk Taxi also offers two different heat treatments at 60° C for either 60 or 70 minutes. All start times are freely programmable. Therefore, the milk is already pasteurised when you come into the barn for the morning feeding.

Automatic Cooling Function
The water cooling system is a standard component of the Milk Taxi Pasteuriser. This allows the milk to be stored fresh until it is fed or pasteurized. The automatic cooling program is particularly handy when used with milking robots. It detects the filling level and temperature during the automatic filling process. In addition, the cooling process is programmed in way that optimally utilises the required energy.

Warm Water Heating
If you want to cut energy costs and if you have plenty of hot water, then an optional hot water heater reduces your energy consumption, thereby saving on expensive energy costs when heating the milk.

Work Comfortably and Conveniently
Ultimately, it is comfort and convenience that facilitates your work. From the user-friendly display and easy cleaning up to the possible uses beyond calf feeding: You will never want to do without your Milk Taxi.

Automatic Cleaning
Since the lid can be fully opened, the tanks are very easy to clean. The semi-automatic cleaning programme ensures optimal hygiene. Residues, for instance in the pump and hose, can be completely emptied. A supplementary cleaning with the brush improves the results and your Milk Taxi is ready for use again after just a few minutes.

High Quality
You have to attend to so many things every day, the technology just has to work! Therefore, we manufacture all components in the highest quality and thus ensure high reliability. The high-quality stainless steel milk tank is easy to clean and has a long service life. Pumps and motors are protected, and the entire design, without unnecessary cables or cable ties, guarantees easy maintenance and therefore long, problem-free operation.

Drenching Cows
A drenching function for cattle is available as an option. In the Milk Taxi, the drench fluid can be optimally stirred and brought to the right temperature, driven to the cows, and then gently drenched into the rumen via the pump. Instead of struggling with a manual hand pump, the Milk Taxi lets you optimally concentrate on the cow.

Options and Features


  • Milk Taxi model version 100 l, 150 l and 260 l with stable and manoeuvrable chassis on 4 wheels; 40 cm size front tyres
  • Electronic control with liquid level sensor, thermometer and statistics function
  • Powerful fl oor-mounted agitator turning at regular intervals in heating mode
  • Milk Taxi, model version 260 l (66 gal [US]), built as a trailer with jack wheel
  • Tank made of easy-to-clean, polished stainless steel
  • Lockable lid with sealing ring; opens to full radius
  • 1¼” drain tap for complete draining
  • LED headlight
  • Semi-automatic cleaning program


  • Pasteurisation Function
  • Pumping, mixing, heating as standard functionalities
  • Up to 6 programmable start time for the pasteurisation
  • Integrated water cooling
  • Three selectable programmes: 65° C for 35 minutes, 60° C for 60 minutes, 60° C for 70 minutes
  • Energy-saving warm-water heating
  • Dual wall as heat exchanger jacket on the outside
  • Hot water temperature monitored by sensor
  • Programmable heating start-up (up to 6 times)
  • Pump Assembly
  • Up to 9 freely programmable dosing quantities
  • Battery-powered stainless steel pump
  • Dispensing arm with ergonomic handle
  • Maintenance-free battery and charger
  • Electronic quantity control
  • Electric Heating
  • Effective full-surface heating
  • Gentle milk warming, to avoid any burnt milk
  • Model-specific power ratings (3 to 6 kW)
  • Programmable heating start times (up to 6 times)
  • Smart Mix
  • Exact filling level detection, flow measurement and programing of end timer
  • Mixing calculator for optimum milk replacer concentration
  • Calculated whole milk enhancement after determination of dry matter content, e.g. with refractometer (not included in scope of delivery)
  • Smart-ID
  • Radio frequency identifi cation of pens
  • Slot number system with RFID transponder
  • 6 programmable feeding curves

CalfGuide for Milk Taxi

  • Lists of calves, Milk Taxi status report, work logs, and more
  • Tiltable Bucket Support Frame for Two 30 Litre Milk Churns
  • For transporting colostrum, drinking water and feeding buckets or similar
  • Wireless Remote Control on the Dispensing Arm
  • Distance to Milk Taxi up to 10 m (with optional longer tubing)
  • Option to preselect the dispensed quantity at the dispensing arm
  • EL-AN Electric Drive
  • Adjustable drive with two basic speeds (forward/reverse)
  • Maintenance-free 24V battery and charger
  • Failsafe tyres
  • 4 failsafe tyres
  • Durable soft, elastic polyurethane filling
  • Cow Drenching Equipment
  • 1.5 m drenching probe with quick release fastener and flow reducerColostrum Jar
  • Colostrum Jar
  • Stainless steel container for 8 l colostrum (aligned for use with a 30-litre milk churn)

Technical Specifications

Power supply 230V / 16A or 400V / 16A
Pump capacity
approx. 40 l/min
Heating power
3 KW, 5 KW or 6 KW
Agitator power
250 W
Tyre size
400 / 265 mm

*Technical specifications subject to change!

Dimensions (cm)

Milk Taxi 100
Useable Tank Capacity:
Total Capacity:

Milk Taxi 150

Useable Tank Capacity: 150
Total Capacity:

Milk Taxi 260

Useable Tank Capacity: 260
Total Capacity:

Milk Taxi Trailer

Useable Tank Capacity: 260
Total Capacity:

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